Saturday, February 19, 2005

Death Wish

I uploaded some pictures to my website at . There is no links to them as yet, from the site. They are a bit of a mess, but it's best I can do without my own computer. There is no caption on them either, which kind of reduced them to bloches of color to everyone, but myself.... :-) I'll fix that later.
A bunch of road crews on the side of the road on the Lost Coast of FL. Also pic. of Diana and Steve, who took me into their nice home for a most wonderful night.
New Years Eve at Don and Dennice's home in Florida. Thanks Don for not leaving me out in the woods. It was the best New Year's Eve in a long, long time.
Misc. pictures of Camy and Lawrence's trip though the American South. The green gator is named "No-Seeums", he's a hitchhiker I picked up from Florida. He is named after those pesky sand gnats that still gives me phantom itches all over, every time I think of that fatefully night in the Long Keys.

Excuse me, I got to go scrach myself now....
Folks from Louisiana, I met on the Old Spanish Trial.
Road Kills of the American South

Well..., let see. This is going to be hard to explain.

I thought I'll branch out into doing wildlife photography with this project.... Yeah, that's it. I figure, I'll start with the non-moving ones first, then work myself to the live ones, when I get better at it.

On a deeper level(if you want to go there)... I guess you kind of get very aware of death, when there are trucks rushing along side of you at 70 mph, on a foggy mornning. With the cacasses lying all along the side of the roads, and seeing dozens of them every day.... Ideas just pops into your mind, and began to be facinated by it....

At one point, I thought about documenting every single road kill I encountered as my project, but after a few hours of stopping every three, four miles, I gave up. Some are just a little too pungent to approach, and some are just a little too messy(even I have hygienic standards, admittedly low these days, but I am very proud of myself for not approaching some of them). I need to do some cycling too, you know.

Who knows, one day I'll probably ends up on these pages too. Oh... I think I am going to start another project on cemeteries too.

Disclaimer/Disclosure: A lot of animals were harmed in the process of making this series(in the most grusome way), but not by me. In no time did I touched any of them(directly), and I did try to hold my breath for as long as possible.
A lot of this, and a lot of that... from all over.
A night with the VFW 10211 of Key Lago. I miss them so much...

Friday, February 18, 2005

"Houston, I am stuck here in Dallas....."

I am stuck here in Dallas...

Dallas feel kind of a lot like LA, a lot of of big strip malls links up with a bunch of freeways. They got the same thing here, like they got there in California; Targets, Walmart, McDonald... Some have different names, but sells the same things like they do down West.

So, after a few days here, I borrowed a car and went back to Houston for two days. It was a little better there. Got some pretty cool people to hangs out with at the hostel, a first rated bike shop just right next door, bunch of 1st rated museums just walking distance away. There is this really cool Modern African Art exhibit showing, and as you guessed, I am totally into just about anything from the African continent. Spend a good long time there, and at the museum store buying a bunch of Ugly Dolls.

Aside from the major museums, I was surprised to find that there is an Art Car Museum here, so I went down there, and ending up chatting with a few of the artist. Most of them are the Burning Man crowd, so it really made it felt like home. When I get home, I am going to turn my old truck in to one of these beauties. :-)

There is also that Orange Show , another one of the Burning Man type creations. It was in maintenance, but the folks were nice enough to let me in and checking it out. Very beautiful place, the color is just gorgeous. At the end of the day, when the lady that ran the place found that I was one of the Burner too, she gave me some postcards for free. It was very nice of her, and I couldn't help myself and gave her one of the Ugly Dolls(Wage) that I bought at the museum store.

I am going to miss Huston. Dallas, on the other hand, I can't say...

Correction: I'll miss Dallas... My sister and my neice Lisa, that is....